Original Dolls
Eighteen Original Figures Copyright of Georgina Ritson.

Since I began making dolls in 2006, I have used hundreds of different moulds. Amazing characters have been created for porcelain doll makers by talented artists. I create my figures from a variety of different moulds including those of Gina Bellous, House of Caron and in particular the Parker Levi fashion dolls.
However, most of the figures I have created over the years are derived from my own original moulds. Allow me to introduce some of these figures to you now....
I pay a lot of attention to the conventions of portraiture when creating my figures as I like to think of a miniature setting as a still life painting in three dimensions. So, in this sense I try to create figures that look like "real people."

Aida Margaret
This lady has become one of the most popular figures that I create. I have made her in many different guises but mostly I like her in twentieth century two piece suits with a hat and plenty of costume jewellery.
Over the last ten years, my mother has peered into the cabinet, where I keep the dolls for safe keeping, and commented “it’s Nana Manning!” my late maternal grandmother. I have decided that this lady is now going to be known as Aida Margaret, in memory of my late maternal grandmother.